Don’t let the Pandemic Keep You from Selling Your Home for Cash

Although everyone’s health and safety are the top priorities during the Coronavirus pandemic, Homeinc wants you to be assured that you can still sell your home during these uncertain times.  Whether you need to sell your home due to pandemic-related financial issues or you just want to sell your home...

Can a Home Be Sold for Cash if it’s in Probate?

Probate is the fair and equitable distribution of a person’s property after they have pass away.  Probate may involve changing the title, determining the validity of a will (if one was drawn up) or establishing ownership of bank holdings, bonds, stocks, etc.  Some estates do not go through probate- such...

3 opciones a considerar al vender una casa con infracciones del código

Un posible comprador puede enamorarse de su casa debido a sus muchas características arquitectónicas, como su moldura de techo decorativa o su exterior de piedra o madera. Sin embargo, todo ese encanto no podrá salvarte de una infracción al código de construcción. Afortunadamente, esto no significa un desastre para vender...

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