How to Sell a Home with Reverse Mortgage


Selling a home can be a complex process, especially if you have a reverse mortgage. However, there is a viable option for homeowners with a reverse mortgage who are looking to sell their property – selling to an investor. In this article, we will guide you through the steps involved in selling your home to an investor with a reverse mortgage, ensuring a smooth and successful transaction.

Understand Your Reverse Mortgage:

Before proceeding with the sale, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of your reverse mortgage. Reverse mortgages allow homeowners aged 62 and older to convert a portion of their home equity into cash without the need to make monthly mortgage payments. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your reverse mortgage, including any potential penalties or restrictions related to selling the property.

Assess Your Home’s Value:

The next crucial step is to determine the current market value of your home. Engage a professional appraiser to evaluate your property and provide you with an accurate assessment. Understanding your home’s value will enable you to negotiate effectively with potential investors and ensure a fair deal.

Research and Identify Potential Investors:

Conduct thorough research to identify potential investors who specialize in purchasing properties with reverse mortgages. Look for investors who have experience in these types of transactions and a proven track record. Real estate agents and online platforms can be valuable resources to help you find reputable investors who are interested in purchasing homes with reverse mortgages.

Contact Investors and Provide Documentation:

Once you have compiled a list of potential investors, reach out to them and provide the necessary documentation related to your reverse mortgage. This includes information about your loan balance, any outstanding fees, and your lender’s contact details. Transparency is key in this process, so be prepared to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Negotiate Terms and Conditions:

When discussing the sale with potential investors, it’s important to negotiate favorable terms and conditions. This may include factors such as the sale price, the timeline for completing the transaction, and any potential repairs or modifications required. Take the time to review offers carefully and consider seeking professional advice, such as from a real estate attorney or financial advisor, to ensure you make informed decisions.

Coordinate with Your Lender:

Inform your reverse mortgage lender about your intention to sell the property to an investor. Work closely with them to understand any requirements or specific procedures they have in place for such transactions. Ensure that you comply with all necessary obligations and obtain any approvals or clearances required by your lender.

Complete the Sale:

Once you have negotiated terms, coordinated with your lender, and finalized all necessary paperwork, it’s time to complete the sale. Work with a trusted escrow company or attorney to ensure a smooth and legally compliant transfer of ownership. Stay involved in the process and communicate regularly with the investor and relevant parties to ensure a successful closing.


Selling a home to an investor with a reverse mortgage is indeed possible and can provide a viable solution for homeowners looking to unlock the value of their property. By following these steps and working with professionals throughout the process, you can navigate the complexities and achieve a successful sale. Remember to conduct thorough research, maintain transparency, and seek expert advice to make informed decisions at each stage of the process. For any questions please contact us!

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